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5 Tips To Be a Pro Bodybuilder

For most people, being a bodybuilder has something to do with living at the gym and being obsessed with your body. A part of the reason behind this public image lies in how this is perceived in the mainstream media and some “insider” guides about this sport.

Now, most guides focus on the workout regimen and the supplementation recipes. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg. So, we’re going to talk about what it’s like to be a pro bodybuilder. With that in mind, here’s what most guides fail to reveal.

Five Tips To Be a Pro Bodybuilder

#1. Nutrition

Some say that nutrition is 70% of the result of being a professional athlete, while your workout regimen is the other 30%. The division is more likely 50/50, seeing as how you can’t make it without both of these aspects. The reason why nutrition seems like a more significant part is that it’s:

  • More expensive
  • Requires more self-discipline
  • Needs to be exercised more consistently

Even a single sugary drink or just one candy bar can seriously offset your insulin levels, thus setting you back significantly.

In addition, we said that it needs more discipline because you have 1-2 training every day, while a professional bodybuilder eats roughly six meals per day. The cost of always eating quality nutrients can also be relatively high (so high that many people cannot do it without a sponsorship).

Other than this, it’s essential to understand that proper nutrition, from the standpoint of a professional bodybuilder, involve things like:

  • Calorie counting
  • Meal scheduling
  • Adequate supplementation
  • Focus one micronutrient (not just macronutrient counting)

All of these are exact and essential to your success. Therefore, you might want to talk to specialists.

#2. It’s a 24/7 effort

If this is indeed the lifestyle you want, it’s essential to organize your life around it and not the other way around. Sure, for someone who’s just looking to get in shape, going to the gym after work may be good enough. As a pro bodybuilder, you need to organize your life around your workout routine.

Now, a part of your training can be done at home. Setting up a decent gym is not that hard or expensive. All you would have to do is get a couple of essential equipment pieces like a sturdy squat rack, adjustable bench, etc. Still, you might also want to hit the gym to get access to some machines that can single out your muscle groups.

#3. Pay attention to your health

Professional bodybuilders train too hard, eat a diet that is not necessarily natural to our organism, consume a lot of supplements, and live an extreme lifestyle.

Fasting and water deprivation days and weeks before the competition can be incredibly taxing for your organism. This is why professional bodybuilders need to seek the services of trained medical professionals far more often than their counterparts in some other sports.

They need to:

  • Have their physician
  • Check-in with a registered clinical nutritionist
  • Do a complete bloodwork analysis more often than other people

Other than this, this kind of lifestyle may put a lot of pressure on people. Therefore, it might be a good idea to talk to a psychologist. Remember, every expert in your corner gives you an additional layer of a competitive edge.

#4. Life of a Professional Athlete

To become a champion, you need to keep your life balanced and fully commit to this calling. That’s right, this is not a job – it’s a calling. As such, it requires every single atom of will and determination that you have.

Moreover, this means that you need to embrace the lifestyle of a (committed) professional athlete to the fullest. So, no late nights out. No cheat days. No substance abuse. Most importantly, your personal life (and your work-life) balance needs to be in check.

Most importantly, this is a lifestyle that not everyone can understand. Therefore, your partner needs to be supportive, like your family and your circle of friends. Support is crucial to your success, but disapproval may have an opposite effect. So, make sure to get this in line before further committing to the lifestyle in question.

#5. Posing Is Just as Important

Have you ever noticed how some people have a natural gift as orators? You can take the same speech, and it won’t be nearly as impactful when spoken by someone else. The same thing goes with pro bodybuilding.

Posing is an art, and, seeing as how you’ll be evaluated in person, your self-confidence, charisma, and your ability to show a commanding presence on the stage is what can make a huge difference.

Some techniques can improve your presence on the stage, and these techniques need to be learned and perfected. Unfortunately, there’s no such thing as “being a natural” when it comes to bodybuilding poses (at least not in a way you think).

In conclusion

As you can see, while working out is still the most iconic and crucial part of this sport, there’s far more to it than meets the eye. It’s a competitive field, and to outcompete others, you need to have a champion mindset.

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