The Three Advantages of Having a Blender

A juice, along with an energetic breakfast, is the best way to start the day. Also, feel great as a snack in the middle of the morning. If you accompany a few nuts or to snack and refresh yourself in the hot summer evenings. The best way to prepare a natural juice is a blender because they extract every drop so that your juice has all the vitamins of fruits and vegetables. Let’s see what are the advantages of having a blender …

Make better use of fruit

Unlike the juicer, which only takes advantage of the pulp part of the fruit, the blender extracts the juice from the fruit and vegetable pulp, but also the vitamins and nutrients of the skin and that are included into the juice. Because in the blender the whole pieces are introduced, without having to break them or without being able to take advantage of the skin. Of course, we cannot introduce thick and rough skins like orange or pineapple.

The juice is 100% liquid

When liquefying the fruit or vegetable, the juice is liquid. There are no lumps, no small pieces of fruit, no pulp that may be foreign to children’s palates. The electro-polished filter acts as a barrier against possible fruit residues, which do not fall into the liquid jug. The result is a juice without impurities, ready to serve. If you prefer, you can also prevent foam from falling with the foam separator that is included in the mouth.

The fruit does not rust

The Master Chef blender has a ceramic cutting disc with which the fruit does not rust as quickly as it does with the metal disks. In addition, the extraction of the juice is improved. This is especially recommended if you like apple or pear juices, because they are two of the fruits that oxidize more quickly.

Juices to make with the blender

With the blender, you can prepare your favorite juices. We recommend natural juices with carrots to keep the suntan or detox juices.

Benefits of Fruit Smoothies

Smoothies or smoothies are perhaps the healthiest option that we can add to our daily diet whether it is to take in a breakfast, snack, and dessert or between meals. They are very fast and easy to make, and we can even prepare it for cooling and drinking later (ideal in summer) or take and take them during the day. You just need to be clear about the ingredients and have the right Extractor to get the most out of those ingredients.

Minerals, antioxidants, healthy fats, fiber, proteins … and countless innumerable benefits that go directly to our body. In addition we are giving to our body already crushed foods avoiding thus to cause a great effort to our digestive system. But apart from all this, they have such an energetic and vitamin c contribution and so little caloric contribution, that they are without doubt the perfect complement for any type of healthy diet. So that you refresh yourself this summer and at your breakfast or snack do not miss a juice, register these recipes:

Tropical juice

When you take this fruit you will be transported to the tropics, are you ready?
Tropical juice Ingredients:

  • 1 kiwi without skin
  • 1/2 file
  • ½ cucumber
  • 1 green apple
  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds per shake
  • 1 tablespoon grated coconut

The Preparation of this refreshing shake is very simple. Just liquefy all the fruits and cucumber, mix everything well in the jar before serving in the glasses and add the chia seeds. We recommend hydrates for half an hour to take advantage of all its benefits. To decorate, we recommend you to put coconut grated, and a few slices of green apple to give a crispy touch.

Passion red juice

The red fruits are the protagonists of this antioxidant juice.

  • 2 handfuls of blueberries
  • 2 handfuls of strawberries
  • 2 handfuls of blackberries
  • 2 handfuls of raspberry
  • Lemon juice
  • 1 handful of goji seeds
  • 1 handful of oats

For this shake, we recommend liquefying the red fruits at the same time. To give a more refreshing touch and that the fruit does not rust, we recommend that you add a lemon juice. Mix well before serving in glasses, which decorate with seeds of goji and oats to give a touch more crisp and nutritious snack. All these juices can be prepared with your new blender. Keep good maintenance for your kitchen.

Tell us on Facebook what your favorite detox shake is and get one of the blenders. This summer, your favorite recipe will be milkshakes!

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