How To Save Lives with Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)

Human life is important because all the things revolve around it when the human life doesn’t exist, everything stops. At your home or workplace, it is important to keep alternate solutions ready. If in case an emergency situation occurs, one must know how to deal with it.

A heart attack happens when the blood does not reach the heart or is blocked, but the person doesn’t lose his consciousness. Whereas, in cardiac arrest, heartbeats stop and the person loses his consciousness. Cardiac problems have been the leading issue of humans’ death. Not addressing these problems in the start can be detrimental to your health. But, as the medical world and healthcare are advancing innovations are coping human health gradually.

How To Save Lives with AED

Back in the history, Claude S Beck came with the theory that the heart is capable to start again if it stopped. He practiced what he believed on a 14-year old boy, the attempt failed at first but fortunately, the second attempt worked and he brought the patient back to life. Later, in 1956 Paul Zell used a more powerful unit to perform defibrillation.

Since then, AED has gain attention worldwide and vast clinics, hospitals, and health institutions are using this device to recover patient’s life. It has been recorded that places where Organized AED Programs have introduced, showed improvements with cardiac arrest survival rates. But, still, it needs to be spread more.

What is AED?

AED is a health device that gives an electric shock if the person’s heart stops working while observing the rhythm of the heart. However, the process of that immediate shock for the healing of heart is called defibrillation.

Cardiac Arrest or Heart Attacks is an unpredictable situation and chaos in these situations can lead to patient’s death. Having AED can save patient’s life and due to its portability, you can carry it anywhere and anytime.

AED is used in more than 40 countries and also available in 23 languages. It is lifesaving, simple and can help in the worst situations.

How To Operate an AED?

Having AED with you every time is a blessing because of a heart attack every passing second is important, you can’t just sit and waste the time waiting for an ambulance. You will regret later if the patient dies at the moment.

It is not necessary to have a doctorate degree to use AED Singapore. It requires certain knowledge and training. Once you have your training done you can use it instead of panicking in the situation.

It is recommended to seek medical help immediately if a cardiac arrest occurs. But, in case you can’t find immediate remedy follow these steps:

  • If you find the patient with a cardiac arrest, check if he is breathing. Call the ambulance or get your AED.
  • Take off the person’s shirt and rub his chest dry, in case if the patient is wearing medication patches, wear the gloves to free his chest and then wipe it.
  • Switch on the AED and follow the visual/audio prompts.
  • Attach the AED pads and push the analyze button to monitor the rhythm of the heart.
  • If it recommends delivering an immediate shock to the patient, then follow it. You need to make sure that none other than you is touching the patient.
  • Hit the ‘shock’ button.
  • Start CPR and perform 2 minutes of CPR and keep following the AED prompts. If life signs appear, stop CPR and observe patient’s breathing.

It is also advisable to read the complete booklet that comes with the device AED in Singapore and if you have assigned this duty to any of your family person make sure he has been drained completely.  However, if you don’t treat the patient on spot it can cause his death.

Benefits of AED you haven’t heard before:

  • Easy to use: With a short training, you can easily use AED to give electric shocks.
  • It is available for children and adults.
  • Audio/Visual Prompts: The audio/visual prompts makes AED easier to use.
  • Low maintenance cost: Unlike other devices the maintenance cost of AED is low.
  • Durability: You can use it easily in every kind of environment.
  • Portability: This device is portable so you can freely carry it anywhere.
  • Technologically Better
  • Auto Weekly – Self Test

After the successful accomplishment of AED in Singapore, they have incurred patient’s life on a big scale. They have placed this device in public places and trained people to operate this device. Following them, every nation should adopt this practice to save human life from cardiac arrest and heart attacks.

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