Management of Arthritis with Ayurveda

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune chronic inflammatory disorder. With the progression of the disease, the inflamed synovium invades and damages the cartilage and bone of the joint. The potential of the synovial inflammation to cause cartilage destruction is the main cause of the disease.

In Ayurvedic terms, Vatarakta or RA is a disease caused by been vitiated Vata and Rakta. Here the aggravated Vayu gets obstructed in its course by been vitiated blood and the Vayu vitiates the blood completely. This has been vitiated Rakta in long term involves mamsa dhatu.It was observed that c

the doctors use the protocols and routines for management of Amavata and Vatasonita in different stages of RA. It can be considered by the management of Amavasya and Niramavastha with medicines and Panchakarma procedures. Ayurvedic Medicine for Arthritis pain is a very effective solution for this disorder.It was concluded that RA can be cured completely or manage well with Ayurveda medicines and Panchakarma without any side effects, whereas non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs cause during the treatment.


The places where Vatarakta is shown are hands, feet, fingers including toes and all joints. The hands and feet are afflicted at first. From this foundation, due to the subtle pervasive nature of Vata and Rakta, it extends to all the other areas of the body. As they move through the vessels, it becomes obstructed in the joints because of their fluidity and mobility, which makes them further aggravated. Consequently, the disease usually causes pain in all these joints. For the afflicted people, these various kinds of pain become excessively unbearable. The types of Vatarakta are two, Uttana (superficial) and Gambhira (deep).

The former is located in the skin as well as muscle tissues, and the latter is located in deeper tissues of the body.

Clinically it’s a two-way dosha disease, so it’s hard to schedule your therapy. Allopathic medication, of course, has better management to overcome suffering. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs reduce inflammation, but tend to cause gastrointestinal disruption and disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs that trigger kidney, bone, and hepatic side effects such as suppression. Thus, managing this disease through other medical science systems is not adequate or is unable to manage further disease progression. As a holistic strategy, Ayurveda can assist better by enhancing the quality of life and limiting disease progression.


RA can not be associated in Ayurveda with a single illness entity. It is noted that in various phases of RA, clinicians use the protocols to manage Amavata and Vatasonita. The therapy protocol outlined here combines the treatments listed in the classical texts for Amavata and Vatarakta. It is obviously stated in Charaka Samhita and Astanga Hrdaya that the treatment of Kapha Vata Harah is required in the first stage of Vatasonita and the treatment of rakta prasadana is required in the next stage. The therapy for the first stage was developed separately as Amavata in Madhava Nidana.

This method is endorsed by references from Caraka Samhita and Astanga Hrdaya where it was obviously stated that if Vata is impacted by Kapha and Medas, then Vata and Kapha therapy should be performed after which Rakta therapy should be given.


Thus, this autoimmune disease called Rheumatoid Arthritis can be treated by ayurveda where allopathy also fails. Ayurvedic medicine for arthritis in india is very useful and benefiting patients in many ways. By practicing proper protocol and medicine routine it can be treated.

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