Foods That Are Helpful For Osteoporosis And Joint Pain

During our busy routine, we almost tend to forget about our nutrition needs and this is the reason that many of us are facing health issues that are related to our bones. Sitting in your office all day and not eating enough healthy foods can cause some serious problems for your health.

There are many supplements that you can use in order to deal with these problems but why go down that road when you can prevent it from happening. Even if you are already going through osteoporosis then this list is very useful for you.

The below list will tell you which foods should be in your diet and which ones you should be avoiding if you are facing osteoporosis and joint pain.

Foods You Should Eat

Our bone structure depends a lot upon what we eat and how much we eat. Excessive eating and extra weight can cause your bones to get weaker with time. So to prevent all this from happening you should consume foods that are high in calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus, and protein. Now you might think that why are these foods important than let’s get into its detail.


Your bones require calcium in order to stay strong and healthy but unfortunately, we ignore the foods that are rich in calcium. Foods like dairy products, bone broth powder, fish, and green veggies are rich in calcium. Eating these foods will allow your bones to get stronger and heavier. The reason why we go into osteoporosis is due to our less intake of calcium. This affects the health of our bones and teeth. By consuming high calcium foods you can prevent joint pains and osteoporosis.


The very common source of vitamin D is direct sunlight. Vitamin D is important for our bones. People who have vitamin D deficiency usually end up taking vitamin D supplements. Sitting in direct sunlight for 10-20 minutes in a day will give enough vitamin D to your body. Good exposure to your face, hands, and body will be enough. Milk and fish are other good sources of vitamin D.


Foods that are rich in phosphorus are meat, milk, eggs, fish, and dairy foods. It is commonly available in most of the healthy foods that we eat. Consuming phosphorus gives support to our bones and teeth.


The most important nutrient for our bone health is protein. Bone broth, meat, fish, and eggs are good sources of protein. Consuming proper protein will prevent various bone-related problems. The reason why we suffer from weak bones is that we are addicted to eating foods that are processed. Eating nothing is better than eating processed foods. They dont have the nutrients that your bones require to stay healthy.

Foods You Should Avoid

Now there are some foods that can slow the absorption of calcium in your body. If you are someone who is already suffering from bone problems such as joint pain and osteoporosis then it is best that you stay away from foods that contain the following nutrients.


Foods that are high in sodium can cause some problems for your bone health. The more sodium you eat the more you are going to need calcium. So it’s better that you should keep your sodium intake low.


Foods like beans and grains contain phytic acid. These acids can interfere with the absorption of calcium in your body. So avoid eating such foods if you are suffering from joint pain.


Foods that are high in oxalic acid doesn’t let your body to absorb calcium, foods like spinach are high in oxalic acid, this is also the reason why your body does not absorb the calcium in spinach.

You will have a good idea about which foods you should avoid and those that should be in your diet. If you want to prevent any bone-related problem then you should follow this list and start eating foods that are rich in calcium, vitamin D, and protein. These three are the most important nutrients for your body. Otherwise, your body won’t meet the daily requirement of calcium it needs.

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