Is It Worth Repairing a Vacuum Cleaner? If Not, How to Fix it?

One of the most important for the budget of any household is knowing how to know that the working life of an appliance has come to an end.

Sure, you want to fix an appliance instead of repairing it whenever you can, but when is this no longer an option. Is there a point at which the cost of repairs over the cost of a few months exceeds the total value of appliances?

When can you repair your vacuum cleaner, and when is the time to just get a new one? Here are a couple of things you need to know on this subject.

Things To Do Before Repairing a Vacuum Cleaner

#1. Talk to the expert

The chances are that you won’t be the one fixing your vacuum cleaner. So, you call your serviceman and ask them for their opinion.

There’s a prejudice that they’ll advise you to prolong them indefinitely, seeing how they directly profit from these repairs. More often than not, this won’t be the case.

An average service center has so many clients that they don’t have to rely on deceiving their clients to make a profit. Those two visits per year that you and your vacuum cleaner are going to make there will not make or break their visit.

It would be far more damaging to them to lose a client or have someone leave this in a Google review. Therefore, you can trust them if you have positive previous experiences with them.

Another thing you need to do is inquire about each part and ask how much can a replacement of a single part prolong the life of appliances. The best place to inquire about this would be a specialist supplier of appliance spares.

#2. Could you take a look at the vacuum cleaner itself?

The next thing you need to do is try and evaluate your vacuum cleaner. How old is it? A median that the vacuum cleaner will last up to eight years.

So, if you’re nearing this mark or have already exceeded it, it might be a good idea to get a new one. Now, not every make of a vacuum cleaner is the same.

Take a look at the warranty and double this duration. This will give you an idea of what you’re looking forward to. The next thing you want to check is the total value of your vacuum.

Try to get an estimate by checking online stores and places where people sell used appliances. Based on this and your estimate of the condition of your vacuum cleaner (compared to what you’ve found online), try to give your vacuum a price if you were to sell it today.

If the cost of the vacuum cleaner is more than half of the original price, avoid the repair. It’s that simple.

#3. What are your options?

Now, it’s important to consider your future course of action. Do you have enough money to buy a new vacuum cleaner right away without this inconvenience in your budgeting efforts?

If you decide to repair, will you conduct a DIY repair (do you know how), or will you entrust this to someone else? Do you trust your serviceman? Answering some of these questions will already hint at the optimal course of action.

Then, there’s the question of getting spare parts. We’ve already mentioned the importance of having a reliable supplier, but will this always be the case?

In the end, think about the vacuum cleaner that you’re getting as a replacement. Is it an upgrade or just a replacement?

This, too, is something worth considering, seeing as how appliances get less potent and more power-hungry as they age.

#4. Do your research

Lastly, if you decide to buy a vacuum cleaner as a replacement, do your research to ensure you get the right one. Look at the wattage, extra features, maintenance, and warranty.

Keep in mind that just because it’s new doesn’t mean that your next vacuum cleaner will be completely free of the need for repairs.

Still, the likelihood of this is lowered, the cost of potential repairs shouldn’t be that steep, and you get a much better performance in return.

In conclusion

The most important thing to pay attention to is that this isn’t just relevant to your vacuum cleaner. The chances are that this method will be transferable to every single appliance in your household.

For instance, the person that repairs your vacuum cleaner is likely the same person who repairs your washing machine. Also, you might have the same or similar spare part supplier.

Depreciation and decision-making processes are also quite similar, although an average difference in the price of an appliance changes budgeting issues quite a bit.

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