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3 Best Ways To Enjoy Nightlife in London City

Do you want to visit London? If so, you aren’t alone. While many people plan to spend their days taking in the sites, like Buckingham Palace, the Eye, and more, few of them even stop to think about the nightlife in the city.

This line of thinking is wrong because London nightlife is very entertaining. Before you set your travel itinerary in stone, look over these tips to see how and why you need to squeeze some nightlife into your trip.

You won’t be disappointed. Of course, you also shouldn’t forget to go to the best website for London Nightlife. There’s a lot more information there!

#1. Types of Places to Go

You’ll find that London nightlife is divided into two different categories – clubs and pubs. Yes, they rhyme.

The clubs are exactly what you’d expect places to listen to live music, have a few drinks, and dance. The pubs are bars, and many of them have a fascinating back story.

While understanding this difference is crucial (lest you went to a club when you meant to relax in a pub), both play a vital role in London’s after-hours scene.

#2. Know Which Areas of Town to Head To

Some nightlife centres in London are a bit more tourist-laden than others, and you’ll find that there are even some that cater to a more high-end celebrity-infused crowd.

It’s all about the experience that you’re looking for. Some people want a great party to rub elbows with the rich and famous, while others prefer to be a bit more low-key.

Some suggestions for the former include the area of Soho. This is where you’ll find those world-famous locations filled with both celebrities and tourists.

These pubs and clubs appear in the nightlife sections of the papers. If you want to experience what the locals do, you should head to the East End.

This is a more alternative crowd, filled with locals who know to avoid the cameras and glitz of Soho. Other neighbourhoods popular with locals include Shoreditch and Peckham, both more laid back and relaxed.

The area of Clapham tends to attract ex-pats, while Dalston is filled with college students. It all depends on what you’re looking for.

#3. When To Go

This is the tricky part. You want to go out in the town and enjoy London’s nightlife not only on the right day of the week but also at the right time.

The hours of 6 pm and 9 pm, any day of the week, are when you’ll find plenty of people in the pubs. They head there after work to let off a little steam.

Many of these places stay open until 1 is on weeknights and 3:30 am on weekends, so be prepared to stick around a while once you’re out, lest you miss out on the fun.

Of course, choose your pub or club ahead of time and check their website to see when they’re open. This guide: The best website for London Nightlife is helpful as well.

For More Latest Travel Updates and Information about To Enjoy The Best Night Life in London City, Visit Solobis NEWS Magazine.

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