Foods That Can Prevent Osteoporosis and Arthritis

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Health issues that are related to the bones have increased over the last few decades. The reason for this is pretty obvious. Our daily diet is the main culprit behind such chronic diseases. I have seen kids that are suffering from bone problems. It’s due to their lack of activity and nutrition. Burger and junk foods won’t give them the nutrition they need in order to have stronger bones.

Osteoporosis is a silent disease that doesn’t show any symptoms at start. So you won’t even know what hit you until the symptoms start to show up. The symptoms can be quite dangerous once they start showing up. You can have lower back pain and you will find it difficult to walk. The only issue with this chronic disease is that there is no cure for it. Unless you prevent it there is nothing else you can do to stop this lifelong chronic disease.  There are treatments that can slow its process.

Another disease that is called arthritis is due to the inflammation in the knee joint. It is caused by the deficiency of certain nutrients in your body. There are various other issues that you can face if you don’t have a proper diet. The most common food that can prevent inflammation is chicken bone broth. It is known that bone broth can reduce inflammation in the body and prevent various health issues.

The foods that I am going to mention in this list will be mostly those that are rich in nutrients that are vital for bone health. Calcium, protein, and collagen are the most common nutrients are required to build stronger and healthy bones. The following are the foods that you should include in your diet in order to keep your bones healthy and strong. 

Dairy Products

Cheese and milk is a good source of calcium and protein. Don’t go after processed foods because they will not do any good to your bone health instead they will just make it worse. Always prefer fresh milk and cheese if you want to support your bone health.

Milk contains calcium that is the most important part of your bones. If you want stronger bones then you should include dairy products into your diet. If you are not lactose tolerant then try to avoid such products, but most people don’t have any issue in consuming milk and cheese so try to drink a glass of warm milk every day. It can help in preventing osteoporosis and arthritis. 

Veggies And Nuts

Green leafy vegetables are a good source of calcium. Cabbage and broccoli are the two veggies that should be consumed to make your bones strong and healthy. Don’t include spinach into this list as it can interfere with the absorption of calcium. It contains a certain element that doesn’t allow you to absorb the calcium that is present in spinach or even other foods.

Nuts are a good source of protein, and eating such foods will make your bones healthier. Nuts are anti-oxidant and can help in reducing inflammation. So, therefore, it is useful in preventing arthritis and many other diseases that are triggered by inflammation.

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Bone Broth

Just like I mentioned in the start that bone broth is a common food that can prevent arthritis. Bone broth is rich in calcium and protein. Our bones structures are made up of protein and calcium. Thus, this makes the bone broth more beneficial for your bone health.

There are two or three kinds of bone broth that you can have. You can make bone broth with chicken, duck, and cow bones. So it all comes down to your personal preference. If you want quick results then beef bone broth is more beneficial than the other two broths.


Preventing these chronic bone diseases should be our priority because these issues don’t really show any symptoms when they are forming up. If you are having back pains or problem while walking then you should consider changing your diet, and include foods that are rich in calcium and protein.

Only then you can prevent such diseases. Although you should consult your doctor if you are facing such issues, but do include these foods into your diet so that it doesn’t go to that point where you have to consult a doctor.

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