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Starting a Pet Business – 7 Creative Ideas

If you’re an animal lover and would love to start a pet business, here are several great ideas that you can look into.

#1. Animal Rescue Business

If you are passionate about rescuing animals and finding new homes for them, then opening an animal rescue business may just be the perfect pet business for you. The great news is that you don’t need any formal training for this job, but having some kind of experience with taking care of animals is always welcome.

Now, more than ever people tend to reach out to rescue centres when they’re looking for pets. It’s important to raise awareness about stray animals and how important it is to get them off the streets. These animals will love and appreciate their owners more than anyone.

Though you do need some money to cover the expenses of fees and insurance, the owners can help you with the business start-up expenses by getting foster volunteers who can house animals instead of operating huge shelters.

#2. Pet Sitting

If you want to temporarily take care of animals, you can always sign up for pet sitting. It’s simple actually. If you live in a suitable place, you can have people drop off their pets at your place whenever they can’t be with them for a few hours, for example because they’re at work, and you can take care of their pets for them.

The other option is for you to go to your clients’ houses and care for their pets while they’re gone. You can compromise with your clients based on what suits them and you the best.

#3. Bee keeping

This one might be slightly out of the ordinary but it’s an amazing business idea for those who like spending time in nature. Bee keeping can be a very fun and exciting job. The only large expense in this business is acquiring suitable land for the beekeeping business. If you already have land, half of the job is already done.

The other expenses include the bees and hives, safety apparel and the tools you need for honey extracting. The earning can be quite nice but it also depends on your product capabilities. You will mostly profit off of honey sale and beeswax.

#4. Cat café

This one is probably one of the most creative pet business ideas. Cat cafes have been spreading like wildfire lately. Cat lovers can enjoy some coffee time with friends while playing with the cutest feline friends at the same time. Just keep in mind that this place will first and foremost be a café, so you do need to acquire some management skills for owning a coffee shop and make sure the place serves nice coffee. The cats are just an addition.

Expect some serious start-up costs that include acquiring the property (most likely renovating it too), purchasing the food and drink equipment, and getting the necessary supplies for the cats. However, cat cafes are very popular, so you can expect a nice profit from this business.

#5. Vet business

Another great option for animal lovers is a vet business. If you have the needed expertise, you can open a vet clinic. Anyone who loves saving and treating wounded or sick animals will love this job. You can open a clinic for dogs and cats, or you can open a special clinic for a specific species, like birds or lizards.

The pricey side of this business is that you have to acquire a place where you will work and get the supplies for treating the animals, but the profits can be quite high. Just make sure to get the vet practice insurance along with other needed licences and insurance before you start your business.

#6. Dog breeding business

People who are passionate about specific breeds of dogs can look up the business of dog breeding. Even though getting pets from rescue operations is becoming widely popular, there are a lot of people who still love to buy pure-bred puppies that have been professionally trained.

To get your business started, you first need purebred dogs, a suitable facility where you will be raising them, food, and frequent veterinary care. The profits mainly depend on the breed of the dog and how many puppies you sell. For instance, German shepherd is a very popular breed.

Overall prices range around $500 per one puppy and they can go as high as about $1000.

#7. Dog Training

Lastly, if you’re good with dogs and love to train them, you can become a professional dg trainer. There are a lot of people willing to invest in some professional training for their dogs. They simply either don’t have the time or skill to do it themselves. That is when they turn to professionals like you. Finding the facility for training is never a big issue. There are tons of great places you can rent in order to give training classes for your clients’ dogs.


All things considered, there are tons of great options for animal lovers who would like to work in pet business. Whether you choose to open a vet clinic or train your clients’ dogs, look up the necessary information about starting the business and start planning it out.

For More Latest PET Updates, and Information for Starting a PET Business, Visit Ground Systems Index.

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